Sugar Land Uber Accident Lawyer

Written by : Max Paderewski

uber driver

Every day, millions of people around the world use Uber for their daily commutes. The ride-sharing giant has undoubtedly revolutionized the way people travel, with over 130 million people using the service every year. According to statistics, the majority of Uber users feel safe while using the ride-sharing company compared to other means of transportation. However, despite the company’s professional establishment, accidents can still happen. Drivers are human, after all. There have been numerous cases of road accidents caused by Uber drivers, leaving many victims with serious injuries or worse. If you have been injured in an Uber accident, it’s advisable to contact a Sugar Land Uber Accident Lawyer to start the claims process.

If you were involved in an Uber accident in Sugar Land, you may have several questions about how to address your case. You may be wondering how to file a claim for damages, or whether you should accept Uber’s compensation offer. You may also be unsure whether to sue the Uber driver directly or the Uber corporation for the accident. A lawyer experienced in litigating Uber accidents can help answer your questions and address your concerns.

Who is Liable for an Uber Accident in Sugar Land?

As an Uber passenger, it’s highly unlikely that you will be held responsible for an accident. However, it is your responsibility to prove what led to the accident in order to hold the responsible party liable for your damages and injuries. One way to hold the Uber driver liable for the accident is to prove that they drove carelessly and without regard for other road users, such as speeding or driving while distracted. A police report can help in determining who was at fault and why.

Some people believe that they can also sue the Uber Corporation for their injuries. However, while Uber does provide insurance coverage for its drivers while they are on the clock, you cannot directly sue the company. Uber drivers are considered independent contractors and not employees, and their actions cannot necessarily be attributed to the company as a whole. Nonetheless, Uber does have both the legal and financial responsibility to defend any lawsuit filed against their employees while on the job. Therefore, it’s important to consult with an experienced Uber accident lawyer to ensure that the Uber insurance company properly evaluates your claim for injuries.

How Much Compensation is Available for a Sugar Land Uber Accident?

Under Texas law, Uber is required to insure each of their drivers for damages up to one million dollars while they are on the job and giving a ride. If the Uber app is on but the driver is not currently transporting anyone, their insurance must be at least fifty thousand dollars. However, this amount covers up to the amount of damages incurred by the driver. It is important to note that the total value of your Sugar Land Uber accident claim will depend on several factors.

Your Sugar Land Uber accident lawyer can help you evaluate the value of your case, taking into account factors such as past and future medical expenses, costs of home care services related to your injury, loss of income earning capacity, lost wages, pain and suffering, and physical impairment. Only after all these areas of damages have been evaluated and fully explored can you determine the total value of your Uber accident claims.

Which Insurance Company Will Cover My Sugar Land Uber Accident Damages?

It is important to understand that in an Uber accident, you may be entitled to compensation from three different insurance companies:

  1. Your personal insurance coverage
  2. Uber’s auto-insurance coverage
  3. The other driver’s insurance coverage

However, if the other two parties have adequate insurance and can be held liable, you may not receive compensation from your own insurance coverage. In such a case, it is advisable to consult with an experienced Sugar Land Uber accident lawyer on how to proceed with your claims. Below are some guidelines to help you determine which insurance company is responsible for covering your damages:

  1. Uber’s insurance coverage (the $1 million insurance policy) will cover you if the Uber driver was en route to pick up a passenger or was carrying one during the ride-sharing service.
  2. If someone other than the Uber driver caused the accident while you were onboard, the at-fault person’s insurance coverage will cover you, as well as Uber’s uninsured/underinsured insurance policy if the other driver does not have adequate insurance.
  3. If the Uber driver was running personal errands at the time of the accident, their personal insurance policies will cover you.
  4. If the Uber driver does not have personal insurance and was driving for personal reasons, your own uninsured motorist coverage would apply.

uber app

Contact Our Sugar Land Uber Accident Lawyers Today

Receiving a just and fair compensation from the Uber driver or their insurance company can be a challenging task, especially if you go at it alone. To avoid an unfair compensation offer, it’s advisable to have a free consultation with one of our Sugar Land Uber accident lawyers. Our firm operates on a contingency fee basis, which means that we only get paid if you get paid. Most importantly, we strive to ensure that you receive the justice and compensation that you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC N/a
Suite 255F , 12808 West Airport Blvd
Sugar Land
TX 77478
(832) 770-6438
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Suite 300 , 3033 Chimney Rock
TX 77056
(832) 979-2329
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Suite 117 , 2000 25th Ave N
Texas City
TX 77590
(409) 403-3012
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Suite 118 , 5144 East Sam Houston Pkwy N
TX 77015
(832) 843-9366
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