Injuries Following a Cypress Car Accident

Every year, at least 3 million people suffer injuries related to auto wrecks, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Although most of them result from fender benders and thus are minor, some are catastrophic. What follows is a series of physical pain and suffering for the victim. Their loved ones are not left behind either. They often have to bear the financial burden of treatment for these injuries.

If you suffered life-changing injuries following a Cypress car accident, you may be going through a rough time. Adjusting to a new way of life is not easy. It can be traumatizing, especially when you realize that your injuries were someone else’s fault. But do not despair. Our skilled car accident attorneys can help. Through our well-structured legal policies, such as the contingency fee arrangement, we help our clients get the justice they deserve without burdening them with upfront legal fees. This way, they get to focus on treatment and recovery while we attend to their case.

Common Injuries Following a Car Accident

Injuries in a car accident vary depending on factors such as the types of vehicles involved, the speeds at which they were traveling, and the type of collision. Vehicle-pedestrian collisions are most notorious for causing catastrophic injuries.

Injuries following a Cypress car accident can be classified as penetrative or impact injuries. As the name suggests, penetrative injuries occur when the skin’s surface is torn and underlying tissues and body organs are injured. On the other hand, impact injuries happen when the body is knocked against a surface like the tarmac or vehicle’s interior. Both types of injuries can be fatal. Some of the common injuries we handle in Cypress car accidents are:

Each type of injury mentioned above can cause immeasurable pain and suffering for the victim. Some are permanent and may require lifelong treatment and rehabilitation. Additionally, not all injuries are physical. There is always the risk of suffering psychological harm due to shock and stress. Some victims develop anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders. Although they have no direct effect on their bodies, they usually lower their quality of life. They often have to undergo therapy sessions to manage these effects.

Why You Should Seek Treatment for Your Injuries

You may be tempted to forego treatment for your injuries, especially when they seem minor. Maybe you are hoping the pain will go away with time, or you can handle the injuries on your own at home. The truth is that you shouldn’t wait, as there are good reasons why seeking treatment should be a priority. Here are three significant reasons why you should undergo a thorough medical evaluation for your injuries following a Cypress car accident:

Guarantees Your Safety

First and foremost, your well-being comes first. Before anything else, you need to be certain that you are not severely hurt, and if you are, getting instant treatment is vital. Some injuries are not immediately apparent and may show when too late.

Helps Lay Ground for a Personal Injury Claim

When pursuing settlement through insurance companies, insurance adjusters may look for a loophole to deny your claim. If you failed to seek medical evaluation or follow up with treatment, they may argue that your injuries did not exist or were not as severe as you claim. But with medical records, proving your injuries will not be an uphill task.

Acts as Proof of Damages

If you wish to recover maximum compensation from your injury case, you must prove with a preponderance of the evidence that you were injured. You cannot verify your claim without supporting documentation such as medical reports and testimonials from your doctor.

Contact Our Attorneys For Help After Being Injured Following a Cypress Car Accident

Unfortunately, car accidents have become rampant in the modern-day and age. If you suffered severe injuries following a Cypress car accident that was not your fault, you probably have a lot of questions on what to do next. Regardless of what action you want to take, filing a claim or settling with insurance companies, it is crucial to have all your bases covered. That is why we recommend that you seek immediate medical evaluation. This not only guarantees your safety, but also gets the ball rolling for a personal injury claim. Our attorneys are ready to help you maneuver this overwhelming process. Call us today.

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC N/a
Suite 255F , 12808 West Airport Blvd
Sugar Land
TX 77478
(832) 770-6438
Map & Directions
Suite 300 , 3033 Chimney Rock
TX 77056
(832) 979-2329
Map & Directions
Suite 117 , 2000 25th Ave N
Texas City
TX 77590
(409) 403-3012
Map & Directions
Suite 118 , 5144 East Sam Houston Pkwy N
TX 77015
(832) 843-9366
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