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(832) 449-8230Losing a loved one is one of the most devasting experiences in life and can be made worse when the loss was the result of someone else’s negligence or carelessness. The experience can leave people asking many questions about what legal options they may have. For some, a wrongful death lawsuit can help them obtain the support and financial security needed to move forward. Reach out to our caring attorneys to learn more about your options for a Sugar Land wrongful death settlement when you lose a loved one due to negligence.
The path to compensation for the loss of income and companionship due to the death of a spouse or parent for many families can be difficult. It may involve turns they do not expect. For those who lack experience with settling lawsuits, these turns can greatly reduce their options or compensation.
Families often do not understand all of the elements that make up their potential compensation, called damages. By not understanding the potential damages, those families may settle too low. For example, a family may not consider non-economic damages, such as the loss of love, and companionship. Unfortunately, the reverse can also be true. Some families fail to understand the limits of their case. In such instances, they could refuse a settlement offer, head to lengthy litigation, and even obtain unfavorable court results. An experienced Sugar Land attorney can help prevent these outcomes and make sure the wrongful death settlement works for the family’s needs.
Even if a case does not go to trial, it can take considerable time to settle. Families may think pursuing a settlement can lighten the investigation involved in a wrongful death case. However, most cases will still need evidence to support a settlement claim. Additionally, many cases may involve not just a defendant, but their insurance companies as well. These companies can affect the settlement process by offering low settlement amounts to families early on in a lawsuit to save the cost of their legal fees. Also, sometimes the insurance policy that covers the defendant is insufficient to compensate the family, which can complicate the settlement process.
Texas law also allows a jury to award punitive damages where the defendant’s actions were either reckless or potentially outrageous. Working with a Sugar Land wrongful death attorney helps to ensure the specific details of a settlement are considered in full before accepting or negotiating the terms.
A Sugar Land wrongful death settlement can help you obtain much-needed financial support and security after the loss of a family member. Yet, like many families, you may not know the important details involved in your settlement, including the amount of investigation and evidence needed to settle or the impact of the involvement of an insurance company. Our team can help you prevent costly mistakes and help guide your family about the potential value of the damages in your case. Call our firm today.
Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC