Car Accidents Involving Bad Weather in Pasadena

Texas boasts of having different seasons in a week. Areas such as Pasadena may be sunny one morning and snowy the next. These differences make it very satisfying for nature lovers and enthusiasts. Unfortunately, these changing weather patterns also pose a significant risk to motorists, pedestrians, and other road users. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, over 21 percent of all motor vehicle accidents in the United States are caused by bad weather. If you look keenly, these are huge numbers.

Such unpredictable weather patterns make it almost impossible for our roads and freeways to be safe. Even for the most cautious and responsible drivers, negligent behaviors from other road users make them prone to accidents. And as expected, accidents in inclement weather tend to be more catastrophic than normal crashes. You might qualify for compensation if you suffered harm in a car accident involving bad weather in Pasadena. Although you cannot sue Mother Nature for damages, there is a high chance that someone failed to act responsibly in such conditions. Let our dedicated car accident attorneys help.

Motorists Who Cause Accidents in Bad Weather Face Criminal and Civil Charges

If Pasadena motorists fail to adapt to weather changes, they become directly liable for accidents that emanate from their actions or inactions. For example, if a driver was speeding in heavy rainfall and knocked down a pedestrian or caused a rear-end collision, they can face civil and criminal charges.

However, as the injured party, you are more inclined to file civil charges rather than criminal proceedings. This is mainly because you aim to recover compensation for damages suffered. A state prosecutor may file criminal charges to punish the defendant for wrongdoing and caution other motorists from making the same mistakes.

Types of Auto Collisions

Inclement weather conditions can cause serious damage not only to motorists but other road users. Passengers and pedestrians are often at an aggravated risk of suffering more serious harm than any other group. Although being attentive should be your order of the day, you should take extra care during bad weather. The most common types of car accidents involving bad weather in Pasadena include:

Hit and Run Accidents

Bad weather creates confusion among road users, especially drivers and pedestrians. For example, when the rain pours, pedestrians rush to get cover, while motorists hurry to get home on time to avoid traffic. During this chaos, pedestrians and drivers forget to be on the lookout. In the end, a hit-and-run accident occurs since many drivers flee the scene immediately, especially at night.

Truck Accidents

Commercial trucks’ sheer size and weight make them prone to crashes in bad weather. When turning on icy roads, some jackknife ramming into oncoming vehicles and knocking down pedestrians. Sadly, these crashes are often fatal.

Rear-End and Head-On Collisions

Undoubtedly, bad weather conditions such as fog and mist adversely affect visibility. When traveling at high speeds, drivers become predisposed to causing frontal or rear-end collisions. Before realizing what lies ahead, it’s often too late.

Other types of car accidents involving bad weather accidents include:

  • Failure to yield crashes
  • Parking lot accidents
  • T-Bone accidents

All these accidents are caused by conditions such as rain, fog, mist, and ice that affect visibility and road traction. Drivers, therefore, have a moral and legal obligation to ensure that they adapt to these changes when need be.

Who is to Blame for Inclement Weather Crashes?

A knowledgeable Pasadena attorney can help establish an act of negligence in your accident. Depending on how you were injured, the following may bear liability:

  • Motorists for negligent driving
  • State agencies for poor maintained highways and roads
  • Road construction companies for poor drainage
  • Trucking company owner for negligent hiring
  • Car manufacturer for defective vehicle systems and parts
  • School management for school bus accidents

It is essential to seek the help of trained legal counsel to hold the responsible person or entity accountable for their actions.

Let an Attorney Help You Recover Your Losses After a Pasadena Bad Weather Car Accident

No matter how trained and responsible a driver is, traveling in bad weather is often risky. Negligent behaviors from other road users may result in fatal crashes. If you suffered serious harm or lost a loved one in a car accident involving bad weather in Pasadena, you may qualify for compensation. Retain an attorney from our firm today to learn more about your legal options.

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC N/a
Suite 255F , 12808 West Airport Blvd
Sugar Land
TX 77478
(832) 770-6438
Map & Directions
Suite 300 , 3033 Chimney Rock
TX 77056
(832) 979-2329
Map & Directions
Suite 117 , 2000 25th Ave N
Texas City
TX 77590
(409) 403-3012
Map & Directions
Suite 118 , 5144 East Sam Houston Pkwy N
TX 77015
(832) 843-9366
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