Pasadena Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

A commercial truck is typically made of a cab where the driver sits, and a trailer where goods are housed. While operating a car requires the driver to be licensed, handling a commercial truck requires specialized driver training.  Their safe operation is hinged on the choices the driver makes while behind the wheel. Truck accidents are a common occurrence on Texas highways, and sadly, most of them are caused by negligence. Among the most common types of crashes you will witness on our roads are jackknife truck accidents.

When the trailer is folded into a V-shape against the cab, a jackknife is considered to have occurred. Unlike in other passenger vehicles where recovering from a skid is easier, regaining the control of a commercial truck is often daunting. This is largely owed to their sheer size and weight. This not only makes it impossible for the driver to control the truck but also makes these crashes devastating. Collisions with passenger vehicles can be catastrophic, just as they can be when they sweep off pedestrians or motorcyclists. Victims of these crashes have a chance to pursue justice for their losses if they choose to work with a Pasadena jackknife truck accident lawyers.

Contact our firm to speak with a seasoned truck accident attorney today.

Causes of Pasadena Jackknife Truck Accidents

As mentioned, most traffic crashes stem from human error. Jackknife truck accidents are no different.  Each player in the trucking industry has a role to play in ensuring the safety of truck drivers and other road users. But when they fail to observe and maintain the duty of care, such accidents become the order of the day, causing serious injuries and deaths.

From our experience handling jackknife truck accident cases in Pasadena, these crashes are oftentimes attributed to:

Inclement Weather

Texas often experiences unpredictable weather patterns. It could be rainy one morning, sunny the next. These ever-changing patterns create unsafe conditions for truckers. Lousy weather affects the driver’s visibility and reduces the vehicle’s traction. Heavy rainfall, black ice, fog, and mist are popular examples of bad weather conditions that cause traffic accidents.

Driver Negligence

Since many jackknife truck accidents occur when the trailer skids, driver negligence may play a part in the moments leading to the crash.  Their actions may contribute to the accident when they fail to observe traffic laws and trucking regulations as set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Drunk driving, careless lane changes, speeding, distracted driving, poor driver training, and fatigue are common ways that truck drivers risk causing an accident.

Defective Vehicle Parts

The components and systems used to power commercial trucks are not always reliable. In fact, vehicle malfunctions occur too often, resulting in preventable crashes. In a perfect world, defective parts and systems would be a thing of the past, but unfortunately, we are not close to being a perfect one. Design flaws, installation, and manufacturing errors of a vehicle part such as the braking and steering systems may cause an auto wreck. Truck equipment failure is synonymous with causing jackknife truck accidents.

Poor Road Designs

Coupled with bad weather conditions, poorly designed or maintained roads can increase the likelihood of an accident.  Loose chippings, potholes, and road debris may cause a truck to skid. Confusion among truck drivers may also occur when intersections are poorly marked.  For example, the sudden braking when a driver misses an exit may create an imbalance in the vehicle’s weight, resulting in loss of control, causing the truck to skid and tip to the side.

Fault in Pasadena Jackknife Truck Accidents

Normally, truck drivers bear a bigger responsibility to ensure the safe operation of these vehicles.  For this reason, when a crash occurs, most people are quick to blame them. While they may be blameworthy, other parties may have a hand in your accident.  An experienced Pasadena jackknife truck accident lawyer is a great asset when it comes to defining liability in truck crashes.

Other parties that may carry a fault in a jackknife truck accident are:

  • Truck owners
  • Trucking companies
  • Road construction companies
  • Local state agencies
  • Truck manufacturers
  • Cargo loading companies

With the help of a Pasadena jackknife truck accident attorney, these parties may be individually brought to question over your injuries and losses. Your attorney will help you sue the party that guarantees maximum compensation.

Consult with a Pasadena Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney

If you wish to pursue compensation for your losses following an accident, you should take action now. Preparing a solid claim calls for a lot of work, and waiting too long may hurt your case. Call our Pasadena jackknife truck accident lawyers today to get started on your journey to financial recovery.

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC N/a
Suite 255F , 12808 West Airport Blvd
Sugar Land
TX 77478
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Suite 300 , 3033 Chimney Rock
TX 77056
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Suite 117 , 2000 25th Ave N
Texas City
TX 77590
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