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(832) 449-8230When you file a car accident claim, you do so with the high hopes of a successful outcome and fair compensation for your damages. However, not all personal injury claims bring the expected results. Two cases with the same facts can have dramatically different outcomes based on how the attorneys present the evidence. The success of any litigation lies solely in the presentation of evidence that proves the defendant caused your injuries. As the injured party, you can maximize your settlement or jury verdict as early as the day of the incident that caused your injury.
Here are five major ways to maximize your injury settlement after an accident:
Successful litigation relies heavily on proper evidence. The jury will base their decision on the evidence presented by the lawyers. Likewise, your insurance company will only offer a settlement if you have substantial evidence to show that their client was at fault. The more evidence you have, the easier it is for the insurance company to justify paying your settlement. For this reason, it’s essential to take photos of your injuries, the accident scene, and the property damage as soon as possible. Additionally, if there are any witnesses to the incident, obtain their names and phone numbers. Don’t rely solely on the police to collect evidence. Ask the other driver if they recall what caused the crash, and if they admit fault, make sure the police record it in their report.
If you are injured in an accident, it’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. It’s essential to have doctors assess any potential serious injuries, such as fractures or brain bleeding, and you may require prescription medication to manage your pain. Moreover, the medical records generated during your visit will objectively document your injuries and complaints on that particular date. The insurance company may not believe your claim of pain at a certain time, but a medical record serves as hard evidence.
Dealing with an injury is challenging in many ways, and your life may be significantly different after the accident. That’s why it’s advisable to keep a record of the difficulties you are experiencing in your daily life. Your injury may impact your productivity at work, your ability to play with your children, or your capacity to be intimate with your spouse. It may also affect smaller things, such as difficulty sleeping or cleaning around the house. Regardless of what has changed, it’s essential to keep track of it and provide a list to your lawyer. Your lawyer can then argue on your behalf for what has been taken from your life and help you get the compensation you deserve.
At times, an insurance representative may offer you a settlement immediately after an accident. While the prospect of immediate compensation is tempting, it’s best to hold off until you’ve had a free consultation with a personal injury attorney. The initial offer may seem generous, but it’s important to remember that insurance companies are in the business of minimizing payouts. It’s possible that an experienced personal injury lawyer can negotiate a higher settlement on your behalf. A reputable attorney will only take on your case if they believe they can add value to it and secure a higher payout for you. Therefore, it’s important to talk to a personal injury lawyer before accepting any settlement offer from the insurance company.
You likely know people who knew you before and after the accident. They may be able to tell how the accident has affected you and what you are no longer able to do. This could be a coworker, family member, or friend. These witnesses can be helpful in explaining to the jury or an insurance representative that your injuries are real and have significantly impacted your life. The more witnesses you have, the stronger your case will be. It is also crucial to have a seasoned personal injury attorney with the expertise to challenge the defendant’s insurance company head-on. They will ensure that no important piece of evidence is overlooked and that you have done everything possible to maximize your personal injury claim.
At Lone Star Injury Attorneys, our experienced lawyers have your best interests at heart and will do everything possible to ensure you are fairly compensated for your losses.
Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC