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(832) 449-8230 Public transportation is common practice across the globe, with millions of people commuting daily to their places of work, hospitals, schools, and much more. Those lucky enough to own private vehicles move from one place to the other smoothly without much consideration for these public service vehicles. They have cars, motorcycles, semi-trucks, and other smaller automobiles. But for a great number of citizens worldwide, including those in Houston, they highly rely on mechanisms put in place by the government and private entities for their daily transport activities. Regardless of the parties engaging in public transit services, collision are in many cases are inevitable, therefore necessitating the need for a Houston bus accident lawyer.
The number of buses on the highways has continued to rise over the years. While their presence ensures a smooth flow of activities in urban and rural areas, their shortcomings cannot be sidelined. The rate at which bus accidents take place is alarming, and so is the number of fatalities. When a bus accident occurs, it will likely more casualties compared to other accidents with other vehicles. The injuries sustained may be permanent and may require large sums of money to treat. This is why a personal injury attorney is ideal for those dealing with large medical bills in the aftermath of a public transit vehicle collision. Reach out today to begin working with a skilled Houston bus accident lawyer.
How bus crashes happen is no different than to other motor vehicle accidents. They may happen through:
Buses are not the only automobiles on the streets and highways of Houston. They will often come across trucks, tractors, small vehicles, and sometimes trains. Having all these entities on the road can be disastrous, especially when one party ignores traffic rules by speeding or driving carelessly. If one driver makes a reckless mistake while behind the wheel, the result may be catastrophic, especially if there are multiple impacts. This in turn increases the likelihood of casualties.
Many bus collisions in Houston involve collisions with guardrails, trees, walls, buildings, and bridges. There are many contributory factors around these accidents. It could be that the weather diminished driving visibility. For example, morning fog can interfere with the driver’s vision, resulting in a crash. There is also a possibility that the bus developed mechanical problems such as break failure, forcing them into collisions with parked cars, walls and other objects.
While bus companies or owners cannot prevent rain from pouring or snowing, it is their prerogative to ensure that the areas surrounding the bus entry, terminals, and exit points are free from anything that could cause a slip and fall. They should be on the lookout for any slippery conditions and put measures in place to ensure that their passengers are free from harm. Accidents involving public transit vehicles can be life-threatening, more so when a victim trips over and falls against windows or metallic seats. Our Houston bus accident attorneys can help trace any negligence from the bus driver or company that contributed to your accident.
Many public transit vehicle accidents in Houston can been blamed on reckless driving, which can occur in different ways. A common occurrence takes place when drivers take the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or any other form of dangerous prescription drug. These substances interfere with their judgment and attention while on the road, therefore paving way for life-threatening mistakes that can cost lives. If this has happened in your bus accident case, your lawyer can easily prove this by use of tangible evidence such as medical records with blood alcohol testing, police reports, and any physical evidence of alcohol use.
If you have been injured in a bus collision, you can sue the driver and/or the bus company for compensation. In normal cases, your Houston public transit vehicle crash attorney will talk with the driver’s insurer in a bid to reach an amicable settlement. If this fails, the matter may proceed to court where it is determined by a judge or jury. Bus accidents include a wide potential for parties that may be at fault. For example, you may sue the driver for their own mistakes such as drunk-driving, or the bus company for hiring incompetent personnel, or for failing to carry out regular maintenance services for their vehicles.
If you have pending questions on the way forward when you are involved in a bus accident, contacting our Houston bus accident lawyers will pave way for a detailed consultation on the possible cause of action you should take. We offer unparalleled expertise with the promise of a smooth and convenient litigation process that will give you ample time to seek medical attention for your injuries while at the same time seeking for ultimate justice. Call our office today for a free consultation.
Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC