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(832) 449-8230If you were injured in a Pasadena car accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve full compensation for your injuries and losses. One way to recover your damages is to settle with insurance companies. In most cases, the other party’s insurer is tasked to compensate you, but if they are underinsured or fled the scene, you may pursue a settlement from your insurance company. However, not all cases settle out of court. There are times when insurance companies may act in bad faith, denying deserving persons their rightful compensation. In this case, you may proceed to trial.
Pursuing compensation through a Pasadena car accident trial process is quite complex compared to settling with insurance companies. Although most car accident cases never go to trial, many still do. It is therefore vital that you take the necessary steps that would serve your interests and protect your rights even when you negotiate with insurance companies. For example, you should retain a skilled car accident attorney just in case your case doesn’t settle. An auto wreck trial process entails:
A Pasadena car accident trial process begins when a petition is filed in court. As the injured person, you will note down all your grievances against the party at fault. The document will entail the accident in question, the consequences you suffered, and the compensation you are seeking. Of course, it will also point out the party you are suing, and the role you believe they played in the accident. A copy of the petition will be sent to the other party, which in legal terms will be referred to as the defendant.
Once the defendant receives the petition, they are expected to address the allegations made against them. They may either accept or deny all or some of the issues articulated in the petition. A hearing date will also be noted so they can appear in person to address the charges against them. Undoubtedly, most of them will hire an attorney to represent them. That’s why it’s fair that you level the playing field and protect your interests by retaining a trial-tested legal team too.
Written discovery involves the exchange of information and documents between the defendant and the plaintiff. The idea is to give each party an equal chance to prepare their case adequately using all the information available regarding the accident. Police reports, medical documents, photos from the accident scene, and eyewitness testimonials will be shared here. Keep in mind that it’s also in this phase that you get the chance to learn about the weaknesses and strengths of the other party.
Another phase that is crucial to gathering information regarding your case is depositions or oral discovery. Unlike written discovery where collecting information is hinged on documents and reports, this phase uses oral testimonials. Both parties in the Pasadena car accident trial process will be deposed. For example, you may be asked to expound on what transpired during the material day of the accident, where you were, and what happened. The defendant will also be subjected to the same process which is done under oath. A court reporter will record and transcribe the depositions made.
Expert witnesses are not unfamiliar faces in civil lawsuits, especially those that entail personal injury. These are professionals in different fields who use their skills and experience to discuss the elements of your accident. They will provide the jury with a detailed review of the matter at hand depending on their area of profession. Expert witnesses in a Pasadena car accident trial process may include doctors, engineers, economists, mental health experts, and accident reconstructionists.
Before proceeding to the final phase of the Pasadena car accident trial process, both parties will have another chance to settle the case out of court. A mediator appointed by the jury or judge will help the defendant and plaintiff reach a mutually beneficial agreement. However, he or she is not under any circumstances supposed to coerce or push for a settlement when either party is not willing to. Their only role is to provide a level field for both parties to compromise.
Going to trial means that a jury or judge will determine your case. The defense and plaintiff will have an opportunity to have their cases argued by their attorneys. Each party will make submissions and provide evidence related to their side of the story before a final determination is made. Having an experienced auto wreck attorney puts you a step ahead, thus keeping the aggressive defense lawyers at bay.
The Pasadena car accident trial process is a complex process that requires legal experience, and success in handling similar cases. The auto wreck attorneys at our firm are happy to dedicate our experience, expertise, and resources to your case. Please contact us today to learn more.
Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC