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(832) 449-8230Dogs are usually a great source of companionship for many people. According to the Humane Society of the United States, there are at least 77.5 million dogs in the U.S, with 40% of households having at least one. Although many of them are friendly, they are still animals, and thus can be aggressive depending on their moods and environment. They can attack and cause serious injuries. In fact, the CDC reports that at least 4 million dog bites occur each year in the U.S.
Pursuing compensation following a dog bite is not something many people are aware of. Some of them believe they can only file a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident, but this is untrue. You may sue for injuries and losses suffered under any circumstances that you feel were preventable, but for the negligent conduct of another party. Even those who are aware of their rights following a dog bite injury often don’t know what to do. Fortunately, a compassionate Missouri City dog bite lawyer may help.
When someone else’s dog attacks and bites you, a personal injury claim may be imminent. Like with most injury cases, you have to prepare a solid claim that proves negligence on the dog owner’s part. In order to successfully recover compensation, you must establish that:
By proving these basic elements of negligence, it will be established whether the dog bite or attack was reasonably foreseeable. For example, if the dog owner was aware of their dog’s tendency to attack or bite, but failed to secure them properly, they are most likely to bear the fault. Additionally, Texas laws require that all dogs be leashed while in public places. If a dog owner negligently fails to properly leash their animal, causing harm to other persons, a seasoned Missouri City dog bite attorney may step in to help the victim take legal action for compensation.
It’s no surprise that many of the dog bites reported in Texas involve familiar dogs. Unfortunately, this presents a unique challenge for victims since they are usually at a crossroads not sure whether to sue their friends or not. No one wants to strain their relationship with friends or family following a dog attack. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about that. What usually happens in dog bite lawsuits is that injured persons sue the dog owner’s insurance companies. Most homes are insured, and part of the insurance covers these animals. When you are severely injured by a friend’s dog, you don’t have to take the matter personally with them. Instead, you should let a qualified Missouri City dog bite attorney handle their insurance company.
The amount of money you can get in a dog bite lawsuit varies from state to state. However, your compensation should cover most of your losses. Retaining a knowledgeable dog bite attorney is the best way to address the question of damages in personal injury lawsuits. With their help, your losses will be taken into account when valuing your claim. In a nutshell, you should expect compensation for:
In the unfortunate event that a loved one succumbs to injuries sustained in a dog attack, you may also file a wrongful death claim. Our team may assist in collecting facts and evidence surrounding your case. If successful, you may recover compensation for loss of consortium, burial/funeral costs, pain and suffering, as well as loss of companionship.
You have a maximum of two years from the day of the attack to file a claim following a dog bite. If severely injured, you may not have too much time or money left on your plate to focus on your case. By hiring a reputable Missouri City dog bite lawyer, you get the peace of mind and time you need to recover from the traumatizing experience that most dog attacks are. Our caring team at Lone Star Injury Attorneys are ready to help you get back on your feet. Please get in touch with us today to discuss your case.
Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC