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(832) 449-8230Fresno roads and highways can be treacherous with heavy traffic congestion. Although most drivers engage in sound driving, some behave aggressively toward other motorists, pedestrians, and bikers. This results in untold damage to property, loss of lives, and life-changing injuries to victims. While most people have felt frustrated at one time on the road, there is no excuse whatsoever for behaving aggressively toward other road users.
If you have been a victim of road rage, we are here to help. It is our mission at Lone Star Injury Attorneys to help victims like you get justice for your injuries and losses. The perpetrators of this behavior should be held accountable for the damages they cause. The Texas legal systems treat such behaviors as criminal offenses, especially when they result in deaths, property damage, or injuries to other persons. This is usually because road rage occurs in different ways, such as violating state and federal traffic laws. Our Fresno road rage accident lawyers step in to help victims of aggressive driving get justice. Reach out to our skilled attorneys today.
As a knowledgeable Fresno attorney could attest, road rage usually occurs when a driver or a motorist exhibits hostile behavior towards another road user. This behavior is common during rush hours but can happen anytime. There are multiple ways a driver may behave aggressively. Although most of them are not physical, the situation may escalate into fights and the use of weapons. Some of the most common actions that constitute road rage in Fresno include:
As you can imagine, these behaviors can have devastating consequences. For example, when an aggressive driver runs a red light, there is always a possibility of causing T-bone crashes, and at high speeds, the aftermath can be fatal. An agitated driver who brandishes a weapon against another motorist may also result in fatalities. The best way to handle yourself in these scenarios is to remain calm and call the police.
If you were in a road rage accident, you have the right to pursue compensation for your injuries and losses. Your first step should be to protect your interests by calling the local police department. Apart from helping arrest the aggressive driver, they will also record the incident as a criminal offense. You should remember to retain a copy of the police report.
If you have been visibly injured, always seek immediate medical treatment. This allows your doctors to examine your injuries and link them to the accident. Insurance companies will need proof that the harm for which you claim compensation did not exist before the accident, and the only way to prove this is by having doctor reports and medical documents.
If you can, stay at the scene and collect evidence to corroborate your claim. Talk to eyewitnesses and record their testimonials and contact information. Take photos of the other driver’s vehicle, capturing its license plates, model, and color. Don’t forget to also capture your injuries and damages to your property, if any. While at it, contact a Fresno road rage attorney. A dedicated legal team is crucial in the review of the facts about your case. They will establish whether your case meets the requirements for filing a personal injury case. If so, your attorney will file a claim with insurance companies hoping to settle. In case no beneficial agreement is reached, your road rage attorney may proceed to court.
Like most claims, a road rage accident lawsuit is brought forward based on negligence. You will be mandated with the responsibility of proving that the other driver behaved in a manner that caused foreseeable harm. You bear the burden of proof to show that:
If you can prove these elements of negligence, you are likely to recover damages sooner than you expected. To ensure the whole process is seamless, it is vital that you retain a knowledgeable Fresno Road rage accident attorney.
If you were injured in an accident caused by aggressive driving, don’t hesitate to contact the Fresno road rage lawyers at our firm today. We take individualized approaches to each case we handle and listen to our clients before deliberating on the best legal strategy to use. To learn more, call us today.
Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC