Brownsville Head-On Accident Lawyer

Car crashed front end into a tree

Head-on collisions can be particularly catastrophic. The type of vehicles involved, the state of drivers during the crash, and the speed at which the cars were traveling all can make the aftermath tragic. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) identifies driver negligence as the leading cause of these accidents.

If you have sustained catastrophic injuries in a head-on collision, you have the right to demand compensation from the parties at fault. But because not all cases make a successful lawsuit, you should discuss your case with an experienced Brownsville head-on collision lawyer as soon as possible. Our car crash attorneys know the ins and outs of cases like yours and are prepared to fight by your side.

Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit: 4 Things You Should Know

Head-on collisions present a series of challenges that may make it difficult for the victim to prove their case successfully, let alone recovering a beneficial outcome of full justice. Before filing a car accident lawsuit, you must know what to expect right from the day of the accident. Key things you should know about car accident cases include:

You Have a Limited Time to File Your Claim

The time you have to file a case depends on the type of claim in question. But generally, for Brownsville and throughout all of Texas, you are limited in a personal injury cases to a maximum of two years from the day of the accident. Although this might seem to be a long time, the truth of the matter is that time will fly by when you’re focusing on your medical treatment. Your treatment process may be prolonged, leaving you without enough time to focus on your case. This is where a Brownsville head-on collision lawyer steps in. While you get treatment for your injuries, we will handle all the legal burdens for your case.

You Bear the Burden of Proof

It’s the plaintiff’s responsibility to prove with a preponderance of evidence that the defendant was to blame for their injuries and losses. Unfortunately, word of mouth is never enough, and you need tangible proof. Gathering crucial evidence from an accident scene that has already been cleared may be difficult. That’s why you need experts such as accident reconstructionists as well as eyewitnesses if possible. A good Brownsville head-on collision attorney is an excellent asset in proving that the Defendant’s duty of care existed how it was breached through negligent driving.

Insurance Companies May Act in Bad Faith

No matter how straightforward liability you may think your head-on collision case is, insurance companies may act in bad faith. It could be through tactics such as taking too long to compensate you, lowering the amount of your rightful settlement, or denying liability for your claim completely. Without an aggressive Brownsville head-on collision lawyer to protect your interests, you may not get the justice you deserve.

You Need an Attorney

Apart from playing a critical role in negotiations with insurance companies, it would help if you had an attorney if your case proceeds to litigation or trial. Unlike a settlement, a court process is more complex and often requires an accredited and trial-experienced lawyer for full justice. With the right legal team, you stand a good chance of proving and convincing the jury that you deserve compensation for your losses.

How Head-On Collisions Happen

As with most personal injury accidents, head-on collisions are often caused by human error, specifically on the part of motorists. Reckless driving such as speeding, aggressive driving, careless overtaking, and driving while intoxicated are some examples of negligent or reckless behaviors.

Mechanical failure and defective parts are also increasingly becoming a significant cause of vehicular collisions. Although manufacturers should guarantee the safety of their products, not all of them act in good faith. Low-quality tires, defective steering, and braking systems are common ways that defective parts can result in a crash.

There is also the aspect of road construction companies and local state agencies regarding road designs and maintenance. Poor construction may be a contributing factor to head-on collisions. Sharp bends are particularly dangerous even for the most careful driver. If the accident stemmed from negligence on the part of a government agency, you should discuss your case with an experienced Brownsville head-on collision attorney.

Our Brownsville Head-On Collision Lawyers are Available 24/7

When retaining a lawyer, you need one that will be available 24/7 to work on your case and answer your questions. At Lone Star Injury Attorneys, we are dedicated to walking with our clients every step of the legal process, offering them unmatched counsel and representation. To retain a Brownsville head-on collision attorney, contact us today or fill our online contact form right away.

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC N/a
Suite 255F , 12808 West Airport Blvd
Sugar Land
TX 77478
(832) 770-6438
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Suite 300 , 3033 Chimney Rock
TX 77056
(832) 979-2329
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Suite 117 , 2000 25th Ave N
Texas City
TX 77590
(409) 403-3012
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Suite 118 , 5144 East Sam Houston Pkwy N
TX 77015
(832) 843-9366
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