Brazoria County Bicycle Accident Lawyer

great and white bike on the sidewalk leaning against the side of a building

In most scenarios, bicycles are regarded as vehicles. They follow the same traffic rules as other motorists do. This means stopping at traffic lights, yielding to other road users, and maintaining a legal duty of care. But on top of that, other specific laws also apply to bicyclists. Most of them are enshrined in Chapter 551 of the Texas Transportation Code. They include:

  • Bicyclists must use signals when making turns
  • Bicyclists must have a red light at the rear and a white one in front during the night
  • Bicyclist should only be on the right side of the road unless when turning left or passing another vehicle
  • Bicyclists should never exceed the number of persons the bicycle is equipped to hold

It’s not a legal requirement for bicycle users to wear a helmet in most states, including Texas. However, major cities in Texas have bylaws that require bicyclists under the age of 18 years to wear protective headgears. So if you were injured in an accident, it’s important that you speak with a Brazoria County bicycle accident lawyer concerning the laws in your area. Our knowledgeable injury attorneys can help you navigate your legal case.

How Do Bicycle Accidents Occur?

The Texas Department of Transportation records at least 2426 bicycle accidents each year. Out of these cases, over 300 result in serious injuries. At least 80 people are killed each year. These numbers are worrying especially if you take into account the statistics all over the United States.

Although most bicycle rides are at relatively low speeds, one may wonder how these accidents occur. Our lawyers generally see bicycle accidents occur due to a combination of factors such as:

Inclement Weather Conditions

You may have seen how bad weather conditions cause car accidents. Similarly, a bicyclist may be involved in a crash due to the same inclement weather conditions. Most of them occur due to poor visibility caused by fog and mist. Others stem from wet and slippery roads caused by ice and rain.

Negligent Drivers

Although not all bicyclists travel at high speeds, the same cannot be said about motorists. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that bicycle users have no place on Texas roads. As a result, drivers engage in road rage, which is in most cases a catalyst for fatal crashes.

Poor Road Conditions

The lack of appropriate and safe lanes for bicycle users can be catastrophic especially when they are forced to share the same roads with other vehicles. Potholes and unexpected detours can also be dangerous when traveling at high speeds.

Bicycle Defects

Like vehicles, bicycles may have defects too. Low-quality tires, wheels, and other parts can cause a catastrophic accident. For example, a defective tire may burst when the bicycle hits a pothole. Again, the metallic structure may bend and cause a fall under similar circumstances.

Types of Claim You May Bring Forward Following a Cycling Collision

Depending on the facts around your case, there are three major types of lawsuits you may file. A skilled bike crash attorney will help establish the best course of action to take. But generally, you are likely to come across the following types of claim:

Product Liability Claim

This type of claim is brought forward when a defective part causes an accident. For example, if the braking system of your bicycle malfunctioned, causing you to drive through a red light into oncoming traffic, you may qualify for compensation. Normally, this claim is filed against the manufacturer, distributor, and retailer of the product. Because they are resourceful, you should let an aggressive lawyer handle your case.

Wrongful Death Claim

If someone is killed in a bicycle accident caused by the negligence of another party, their estate may bring a wrongful death claim against them. Sadly, this can be traumatizing and only worsens the grief. But by letting a compassionate lawyer handle your cycling injury claim, you save yourself from the tiring and complex legal process.

Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury claim is filed when someone is injured in an accident stemming from negligence. However, not all injuries necessitate hiring a lawyer. For example, if you only suffered a minor cut or bruise that very quickly, you may not need to hire a lawyer. But in scenarios where a person suffers broken bones, head injuries, spine pain, or internal body harm, filing a personal injury claim is important.

Speak With Our Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

If you have any questions regarding your bicycle accident, please contact our offices today for a one-on-one consultation with an attorney. By retaining our Brazoria County bicycle accident lawyer, you place yourself a step ahead in your quest for compensation.

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC

Lone Star Injury Attorneys, PLLC N/a
Suite 255F , 12808 West Airport Blvd
Sugar Land
TX 77478
(832) 770-6438
Map & Directions
Suite 300 , 3033 Chimney Rock
TX 77056
(832) 979-2329
Map & Directions
Suite 117 , 2000 25th Ave N
Texas City
TX 77590
(409) 403-3012
Map & Directions
Suite 118 , 5144 East Sam Houston Pkwy N
TX 77015
(832) 843-9366
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